From the beginning of 2015 I will be teaching music at Western Heights School. This has been my hidden wish for a lifetime really. Now it's going to happen.
Last week I visited Owairaka School. Robyn McQueen runs the music programme there. She is an old friend and I will be working alongside her in my development of our Western Heights music-making.
I was standing around at the end of the class with my iPad just before the lunch time Marimba Band rehearsal. The Year six band members were away on a trip. Gradually the players drifted in for their practice, unpacking instruments, picking up their beers and getting into the music. Their teacher was still walking her class back to their home-room. Robyn returned to begin her rehearsal. I was so inspired by what I saw.
Expect to see our Western Heights kids working toward THIS from next year! Look at the absolute concentration and collaboration going on. If this is not the seeds of artists, creativity and learning I don't know what is.